I have never written a review like this before so please bear with me. I am a 38 year old women who would prefer to stay anonymous. Perhaps it is the toxicity related to female looks wired into me which makes me uncomfortable with people knowing about the details of my personal beauty and skincare regime – but I just can’t be bothered to deal with the stick I’d get if any of my friends were to find this!
I have had a career in hospitals for the past thirty years – first as a healthcare assistant and then as a surgical assistant. Because of this, I was no stranger to wearing a surgical mask prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, when the pandemic hit, as a frontline worker, I was expected to wear a mask and other PPE equipment all day long. I found that this really played with my skin. As a country gal with 3 brothers, I was never really taught any kind of beauty regime, unless you count my mother teaching me to shave my legs and armpits at the age of fourteen. In my younger years I didn’t give my skin a second thought, but I’ve really been struggling with seeing my skin age in recent years. I began to resent the sight of deep wrinkles on my forehead and it felt like every day the bags under my eyes grew bigger and my face sagged lower. Constant mask wearing exacerbated this, and for the first time since I was a teenager pimples began to spread across my chin and cheeks as my skin couldn’t breathe under my mask.
Author Edit: After reading this review, Azio Beauty have kindly given me a discount code to share with my readers so they can try it for themselves for a fraction of the price. Click here to get 60% off on their website.

It was really getting me down, but luckily for me, my husband was incredibly supportive and bought me some skincare products to help me care for my skin better. I started a regime and began to see improvements. One of these was Azio Beauty’s triple firming moisturiser – a product I am so grateful to have discovered. Having a medical background, it was important to me that the products I chose to put on my skin were actually scientifically proven to make a difference, and aren’t just another pot of cream marketed to work miracles when they actually do more harm than good. This is why I was originally so impressed with AzioLift, finding it contains ingredients which are scientifically proven to improve the quality of your skin and fine lines, such as vitamin B5, niacinamide and retinol (I urge anyone reading this to research the benefits of these ingredients if you are struggling with your skin). If you don’t believe me, check out Azio Beauty’s website for images of the microscopic changes AzioLift has on your epidermis.
Within less than a month I saw an insane improvement in myself. My skin felt firmer and looked nowhere near as saggy as it had before. Not only that, but the fine lines which plagued my face were visibly minimised, they became so much less obvious. I actually began to look healthy again, and people began to comment on how well I looked. I have now been using AzioLift daily for around 5 weeks and the improvements just keep on coming. I love that not only does this product tighten and brighten my skin, but it acts as a barrier to the external environment, protecting your skin from further damage and dehydration. I’m sure a couple of people reading this will laugh and think I am being dramatic, but the truth is that the way my face was beginning to age really got me down in a way that I had never felt before. It got so bad that I actively avoided looking in the mirror and didn’t want to be in social situations for fear of what people thought of me. That’s why I think it’s important I write this and share my story. If just one person who is feeling bad about themselves reads this and it resonates with them, and they opt to give AzioLIft a go, it will be worth it for me. My only regret is not finding it sooner, so I could have prevented things getting as bad as they did. To all the ladies (and gents) out there, looking after your skin is important. For the price of a lunch time snack, pick up a pot of this product and just give it a go.
Author Edit: After reading this review, Azio Beauty have kindly given me a discount code to share with my readers so they can try it for themselves for a fraction of the price. Click here to get 60% off on their website.

I still suffer from some pimples from having to wear PPE, but I’ve come to accept these as part of what comes with my job. Plus, now that AzioLift has made me look so much younger, they almost look like they’re meant to be there!! Anyway, I think I’ve rambled on enough, but the bottom line is, this product has worked wonders for me and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone (women or men) out there considering trying Azio Beauty – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Author Edit: After reading this review, Azio Beauty have kindly given me a discount code to share with my readers so they can try it for themselves for a fraction of the price. Click here to get 60% off on their website.
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