- No chemicals
Many people don’t know the difference between antiperspirants and deodorants (and admittedly neither did I until very recently) but simply put, antiperspirants use ingredients like aluminium salts to stop you from sweating. It’s not super well known and I don’t know if 100% proven, but I was shocked to discover that spray deodorants have been linked to Leukemia / breast cancer – it’s even been suggested to affect hormone production and it may even be neurotoxic – for the record I’m not stating this is fact but it is worth reading into (see previously linked article)! Deodorant meanwhile literally de-odourises by killing the bacteria which causes body odour. Natural deodorant does the job with natural ingredients like sodium bicarbonate. It won’t physically stop you from sweating, but you won’t smell! (Which surely is the crucial bit, right?)
I find there’s this misconception that if you switch to a natural deodorant then your body’s suddenly going to somehow be constantly dripping with sweat (I may be exaggerating a little), but this simply isn’t true. If anything, you may find you sweat less than normal, because your body’s pH levels revert back to normal rather than competing with the chemicals causing the imbalance in the first place! Really amazing what the body can do when left to its own devices!
No nasties, no surprises – and no words on the ingredients list you can’t pronounce! (I always find that bit particularly reassuring. There’s no better feeling than reading the back of your deodorant and recognising all the words e.g. coconut oil, naturally occurring essential oils and baking soda!)
- Fewer chemicals equal a happier planet
Fewer chemicals in your deodorant means less to be reintroduced back into the environment! Simples. In particular, natural deodorants don’t contain triclosan, which not only is linked to breast cancer but it also doesn’t break down. Ever. So it’s nice to know what washes off your body in the shower isn’t going to end up in the water supply for eternity!
- Many are plastic-free
Whether you opt for a cream, a stick or a crystal, natural deodorants tend to come in recyclable and/or long-lasting materials, giving you the opportunity to not only do something for your body but also the planet! Win-win. One company doing great things in this area is Wild (20% off code at end of article if you want to try it). They make a reusable, sturdy aluminium case in a lovely design that comes in a wide range of colours. I’m a fan of the purple myself. Just replace the refill insert whenever you run out! They come in a great range of scents too, from the clean and fresh cotton smell (my favourite) to a super floral Jasmine & Mandarin Blossom – and lots in between. Then away you go! The refills are also made out of bamboo pulp, which I love – it means it’s compostable, so not just recyclable but zero waste! (You could even put it into a wormery if you’re feeling adventurous… They’re an awesome new discovery I made recently – like composting but quicker.)
- Supporting ethical businesses
It’s been really encouraging over the last couple of years to witness a surge in the popularity of eco, zero-waste and natural shops, online platforms and products, helping people make more informed decisions about their consumption. It’s been so easy to fall for large companies’ greenwashing tactics in the past, but new start-ups with ethical practice at the forefront of their mission are changing that. Businesses like Wild have only been around for two years, yet have already planted 110,000 trees and donated £45,000+ through charity partnerships in their limited edition cases!
It’s this symbiosis between nature and business that I find so uplifting – I’m so pleased to support them by using their products.
- …and they actually work
Natural deodorants are so often met with hesitation. I don’t know if it’s the ingrained habit of buying aluminium-filled cans or the fear of B.O but there’s an army of natural deodorant wearers out there and they all smell fabulous. There just wouldn’t be the market for it if it didn’t work – many of them (including my favourite Wild) have 24-hour certification (scientifically proven to work) and thousands of 5-star reviews on Trustpilot. It’s not like the natural deodorant of 10 years ago which, to be fair, didn’t really work – the science has come on a long way!
All I can say to those who are doubtful or indecisive – just do it! There is so much to gain. (Plus Wild offers a 20% discount to all new customers when you use this code at checkout: LR20 (click this link to go to website) – even better.)

This article contains a sponsored offer for LifestyleReviewer.
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