Summer is finally here, so let’s get Wild!
You may have heard of this amazing brand that launched in April 2020 called Wild. I had to get writing so I could spread the word on what they’ve done because, to be frank, they have CRUSH’D IT! This whacky natural deodorant company has just brought out yet another beloved limited-edition scent, Watermelon Crush, which smells absolutely divine! Social media has gone mad for it, so if you haven’t come over to the Wilder side of life yet, it’s time!
Now, how did I come across a deodorant that sparked genuine passion and excitement in me? Surely, deodorant is a fairly dull part of the morning routine no matter the brand, isn’t it? Well not anymore!

You can get an exclusive 10% off Wild by using our affiliate discount code WILDLIFE at checkout. Their limited edition Watermelon Crush scent is only available in June so don’t miss out!! Click here for more info.
It all started when eco-switches and alternatives were becoming all the rage (and I hope this continues), and everyone seemed to be seeking that next sustainable swap to adopt. I was ready to get involved, so I started with my morning routine and swapped plastic soap dispensers for the standard bar soap, tried out some solid shampoos and conditioners, and got a solid toothpaste block, but then I came to a trickier one – what about my roll on? Now granted, at the time I was getting started, we were still in full lockdown so deodorant was seriously optional considering it was just me, myself and I, but I thought I’d see if there were any other options aside from my single-use plastic bottle with the plastic roller ball…
Immediately I was a bit worried as I found lots of articles about never-ending quests where several brands and forms of natural deodorant are tried and tested, but none seemed to triumph. There was always a “but”, always something to compromise on, or a small inconvenience to put up with. After reading all of these winding tales, I just took a leap of faith and picked a couple at random and, considering what I’d read, it makes me feel quite lucky that I hit the jackpot on my second go (not to brag)! After using up the first natural deodorant I tried, which came in a push-up cardboard tube which flaked a lot around the edges and got harder and harder to use towards the end, I moved onto the Wild deodorant which I ordered from their site,

You can get an exclusive 10% off Wild by using our affiliate discount code WILDLIFE at checkout. Their limited edition Watermelon Crush scent is only available in June so don’t miss out!! Click here for more info.
In a nutshell, Wild is a single-use plastic free, refillable deodorant with a vegan and cruelty-free formula, and they have a 5-star Trust Pilot rating based on over 5,000 reviews. Hmm, already sounding good I thought… The case is made from aluminium with post-consumer recycled plastic in there too, and the little white refill cases which go inside are made from bamboo pulp and are fully compostable or you can pop them in with the paper recycling if you don’t have a home compost heap. Ok, I’m listening, keep going… Wild also has a “no nasties” composition, meaning there are no parabens, harsh chemicals or aluminium salts in the deodorant. Ah-ha! I’m in! The absence of aluminium salts got me hooked because I’d read up on those before about how they literally block your pores so you don’t sweat and there were definitely some warnings out there about the dangers of those salts being in your system after they got absorbed by your skin. Whether true or not, it seemed sensible to let my body function in the way it was designed to…
There were a few purchase choices, either a subscription or a couple of one-off purchase options, and I opted for the subscription as it was slightly cheaper overall. Since being with Wild, the company has now started selling in Sainsbury’s which is great for those who aren’t so comfortable with online purchases and it’s also wonderful to see this kind of sustainable product getting into the mainstream.

You can get an exclusive 10% off Wild by using our affiliate discount code WILDLIFE at checkout. Their limited edition Watermelon Crush scent is only available in June so don’t miss out!! Click here for more info.
There are 6 case colours to choose from and 8 permanent scents, but Wild love to keep things fresh (your pits included!) and bring out crazy limited editions every few months. Quite literally living up to their brand name, Wild develops some pretty unusual scents for our lovely pits – unusual, but they totally work. So far, they’ve done Toffee Apple which was just amazing, everyone is begging for it to come back (they’ve been dropping hints about something in the autumn), Peach Bellini which was their Valentine’s Day scent (turns out you totally can give deodorant as an anniversary gift without causing offence), and Lemon Meringue which really did smell like a Lemon Meringue pie and you sort of had to remember not to eat it. Their June limited edition scent is currently out and it’s Watermelon Crush. Let me tell you now, I’m losing my mind about it. I’m obsessed! It’s super fruity and fresh, but not too sweet – they’ve hit the perfect balance.
So, all of this sounds great, right? Sustainable, nice formula, cool scents, but what about the most important thing. Does it work?
In a word, YES, but I’ll elaborate so this is more interesting for you! I’ve put it to the test of Couch to 5k runs and yoga (during *that* phase of lockdown), some intense exam stress, and what can only be described as an intense battle with some flatpack furniture. Full marks every time. There were times my face was dripping with sweat but my pits were bone dry and, at the time, smelling of Fresh Cotton & Sea Salt which is one of their permanent scents. I don’t have any white or yellow marks on my clothes either, which I’m really happy about (turns out those yellow stains are caused by those pesky aluminium salts getting into your clothes!)
So, I hope I’ve made my case to you that it’s time to (re)fill your morning routine with a bit of Wild excitement. Watermelon Crush is available during June only so this is the perfect time to hop over to the Wild side before they sell out.
You can get an exclusive 10% off Wild by using our affiliate discount code WILDLIFE at checkout. Their limited edition Watermelon Crush scent is only available in June so don’t miss out!! Click here for more info.

Disclaimer: This article contains images created by Wild with their permission. It also contains a sponsored offer from Wild to the audience. All opinions are our own.
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